Half life the gate
Half life the gate

half life the gate

Proceed down to the left through the pipes and clear out the barrels to move forward. In front of you, you will see a medkit to heal yourself, scan your hand and get healed to complete health.

half life the gate

Open the door in front of you and head down use your multi-tool to reroute the power source and open the door. Pick up the ammo from the dead body and release it over your shoulder in order to get more ammo. Pick up the resin located in the crate lying below to your left.

half life the gate

Head on out from the train and jump down from your right. Half-Life: Alyx Chapter 2 The Quarantine Zone The train comes to an abrupt halt and you are left stranded in midst of the chaos. After finishing up Entanglement, the journey to save Alyx’s father and to protect the secrecy of their work resumes in Half-Life: Alyx Chapter 2 where you are led into the Quarantine Zone.

Half life the gate